
I have a decent size room 20’x33’x9’.  Due to the placement of some large columns I need to place my equipment on the long wall.  While I can achieve an equilateral triangle between seat and speakers (11’ on all sides) .... I am unable to have the front of the speakers more than 3’ from the front wall.  I am using Avantgarde Uno speakers with Pass Labs XA 60.8 amp and AR Ref 6 pre.  Sources are Lumin X1 and SME 20.  The overall sound and imaging are wonderful.  There are two problems that I can’t seem to get right.  First, the soundstage is rather narrow ... does extend beyond the speakers (have tried every off to on axis position).  Second, the image is detailed/precise but not deep ... it just sort of hangs on the wall 3’ behind the face of the speakers.  I believe that the problems are due the speakers not being far enough from the front wall but I can’t move them out more (due to the columns I mention).  Any suggestions on how I might fix these two problems?
I think the best way to tackle your issues is to move the speakers around until you get the best possible soundstage and frequency response. From there you can make a choice of how much compromise you can accept. 
Watch this YouTube video from Dynaudio.  It's got some interesting info in it.  You have great equipment, although, if I had your equipment, I'd choose a speaker from Focal, Von Schweikert, B&W, Wilson, etc.  Some bookshelf Dynaudio speakers would go well with your line stage and amp set up like the Special 40 or Heritage Special.  Go listen to them at a brick and mortar store.
Apologies to all who have responded ... a late edit that I should have caught before sending.  My post says “...does extend beyond the speakers...”. Should have said “...does NOT extend beyond the speakers”
Duke has it right. I assume neither speaker is in a corner? If neither speaker is in a corner then you have six early reflections to worry about, two between the speakers, two on the ceiling and two on the floor. The two between the speaker are the ones to worry about first. Moving the speakers just shifts the early reflections a little and delays their timing a little. If you treat them correctly moving the speaker does not matter! You can actually put them closer to the wall. The mirror method Duke describes is the way to find them. Sit in the listening position and have a helper hold a mirror against the front wall at ear level and have them slowly move it until you can see the speaker in the mirror. Mark that point. Then do it for the other side. Get 4" acoustic tile from here   They are dirt cheap and allow you to experiment. If you want something more fancy looking you can get that later once you know what you are doing. Place 4 tiles at ear height centered on the early reflection points arranged in a big square 2 X 2 feet. Then have a listen. You can do the ceiling if you like. On the floor use a rug or carpet. Try making the squares bigger  3 X 3 feet and see what it sounds like. You will change the frequency response of what you are hearing a bit dropping the high frequency content.  A pro will measure it with a microphone and if needed make corrections by digital EQ. Unlike analog EQ, digital EQ will not add distortion or phase issues. Other than the frequency response changes it is invisible. 
Personally, I do not think you can overdo it. Adding more absorption does seem to make the system seem more dull but in my experience if you want the sensation of having instruments hanging in space, like you can reach out and touch them you need to severely limit reflections. Those of us in the know use speakers with very limited dispersion and kill the early reflections as much as possible. People will initially think these systems sound lifeless until they sit and listen to them a bit and realize that no frequencies are missing and the image is spectacular. The room has disappeared. For the best performance IMHO the location of the listening position is more important than the position of the speakers. It should be no further away from the speakers than the 1/2 way point in the room. This breaks up the timing of the various reflections best. As for bass just move the listening position forwards or backward just a foot or two until you like the bass you hear or add digital room control. The Trinnov Optimizer is the best currently available, the DEQX unit is the best value but has a very steep learning curve. Audiophiles tend to shun these units until they compare active to bypass. Every last audiophile that has heard this in my system has gone out and bought one. The improvement in imaging and overall realism is that obvious. 
If you want to know if your speakers can image beyond themselves get Roger Water's Amused to Death. If I remember correctly the radio should seem as if it is coming from the left side wall and the dog barking should come from the right side wall.

If you can you might want to try the off axis set up. This is what is used by a lot of people at shows. Start in a corner of the room then place one speaker wide and the other more forward. There was a thread on this set up here but i do not have to locate for you. Here is another link.