Favorite cable brand.

Interested to hear opinions regarding brand favorites. My personal favorites, at the moment,  are Kimber and Goertz. Two very different sounds yet both quite enjoyable. What are your favorites?
For my revealing main system .. I used Tellurium black diamond ic and speaker cable, tq black ic, audience power chord. Kimber Palladian pc , Kimber ascent , aq Diamond ic.Nordoest Heimdall ic, cerious graphemes ic, Dons pc DCCA?  Audio Envy pc ,Speakers Andra Eggleston, Tekton impact monitors. Amp Tsakadiris apollon monoblocks, pream Krell, sources , Marantz SA10, SME 10 tt. 
FWIW (and quite honestly, I don’t think very much!), with my somewhat limited exposure in the big scheme of such things, I seem to marginally prefer; ribbons and co-axial designs from Alpha-Core, Straightwire and Wireworld.
These posts can be bewildering to those new to this hobby.  I can see how the less experienced just walk away in frustration and go back to their iTunes.  It's not just about cables.  Everyone's comments are valid from their background of experience and monies invested.  The comments here range from cables that cost a few dollars to cables that cost many thousands of dollars.  Add to that audio systems that the users posting here have that range from modest to full out ultimate professional studio level.  So many levels of systems here.  How to find a common thread or standard to start from.  It is likely not possible.
Back in the day, we would walk into a hifi shop and the salesman would play a record with a $10 cartridge.  After agreeing that it sounded very good, he would demo a $100 cartridge.  Oh boy, did that sound awesome.  We just had to have that $100 cartridge.  Now imagine justifying a $100 phono cartridge to your friends and family.  No way any cartridge is worth that, they would say.  Oh, you had to be there.  It is the best cartridge ever.
And that is how this hobby goes...
Over the years I have used many cable brands
I currently have two systems with all Inakustik cabling
One is a full silver set up and one is copper
The thing I love about these cables is the neutrality
These will not help if you are looking for tone control
I have tried from mid to the top tier and I feel in the cable world they represent great value at each stage
Just my thoughts
+1 for Cerious Technologies!
I use Graphene Extreme power cords throughout and love them!
Haven't tried the interconnects yet.
I use Cardas almost exclusively, 1 set of Wireworld.🍻