Are these streams being replaced... node 2i, and PS

Hi everyone,
I'm looking to replace my Logitech touch squeezebox and I. Looking at the 
node 2i Which I see on Amazon is priced at $486. Is Bluesound preparing to 
replace this with a newer model? Also, is PS audio planing on discontinuing 
the DS Dac? Thanks! 
All models of the Node are upgradable to current firmware.
Even if they come out with a new model, they work the same.
Only the 2i model support 5ghz wireless network.

new models are a way of life in our consumption-focused society, reinforced by look-at-me ethos of social media

so there will certainly be a new node, just as the 2i came after the 2...

they will probably sharpen up the dull dac section hardware... streamer portion is updateable as you mention
PS Audio is updating the DS DAC with a Mk II version, supposed to arrive sometime later this year.  It will not have provisions for the on-board Bridge though.  PS Audio will be bringing out a replacement for the Bridge as a separate box using their proprietary Octave software.  Availability will probably be after the DAC, maybe even next year.
I saw a social media post from Bluesound saying there was big news coming May 10th my guess was that they were coming out with a full component sized streamer above the Node 2i but who knows could be a replacement too!
I'd wait a few days to find out though could be some good deals on Node 2i to be had if they replace it.