Mini Maggies ?

Enter that in the search box here and nothing comes up ? Is any one using these ? What size room do you have if you are ? Impressions ?
have only heard these speakers at a local hifi shop. They were hooked up with a 60 Watt Rotel integraded and a Rotel CD player wired with transparent.

First listening impression was the massive soundstage and realistic imaging that these speakers are capable of. Also impressive bass for a small panel design. The major downside I saw to these was the fact that only one person could listen to the set up at a time due to a very small sweet spot. Overall they surpassed my expectations, and in a very small room, I am sure they would excel over other maggie lines. A rep from maggie was there and he told me that in larger rooms the 1.7 and 3.7 would outperform them, but for a little office, its the best panel solution yet.
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Do you think this system would sound correct if the floorstanding woofer were placed at the same height as the 2 small panels or does the woofer have to be on the floor? I can only put these in my office on a very long bookshelf (36" tall). I was told on another forum that the woofer has to be placed between the 2 small panels.

I have a pair of unused Bryston PowerPak 300's sitting in my office closet that would be fun to pair with these Mini Maggies.
My room is 11x14 8' ceilings . is this room small enough ? The magnepan website says desktop or small room.
They haven't given a specific figure, last this was being discussed (a while back) they were still waiting for reports from the field on where they might work outside the near field. You could try calling them and asking whether they think it will work.