Mini Maggies ?

Enter that in the search box here and nothing comes up ? Is any one using these ? What size room do you have if you are ? Impressions ?
I think there have been threads. If not, try Google, I know there have been threads on other forums. General imressions seem to be --

- Amazing on the desktop
- They can be used in a smallish room but they're near-field monitors and aren't a replacement for the full-sized models in a big one
- Dealer demos aren't a reliable guide to their sound because few dealers have the right environment to demo them, they tend to get stuck on a shelf. But Magnepan has a "dealer direct" program now where you can try them yourself for 30 days at home
have only heard these speakers at a local hifi shop. They were hooked up with a 60 Watt Rotel integraded and a Rotel CD player wired with transparent.

First listening impression was the massive soundstage and realistic imaging that these speakers are capable of. Also impressive bass for a small panel design. The major downside I saw to these was the fact that only one person could listen to the set up at a time due to a very small sweet spot. Overall they surpassed my expectations, and in a very small room, I am sure they would excel over other maggie lines. A rep from maggie was there and he told me that in larger rooms the 1.7 and 3.7 would outperform them, but for a little office, its the best panel solution yet.
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Do you think this system would sound correct if the floorstanding woofer were placed at the same height as the 2 small panels or does the woofer have to be on the floor? I can only put these in my office on a very long bookshelf (36" tall). I was told on another forum that the woofer has to be placed between the 2 small panels.

I have a pair of unused Bryston PowerPak 300's sitting in my office closet that would be fun to pair with these Mini Maggies.