Amazon Music and Bluesound Node 2i

Anyone streaming Amazon Music with their Bluesound Node 2i?

I signed up for the three month trial period (I’m a Prime Member) and also the one month Tidal trial.

So far the integration of Amazon Music in the BluOs app sux. Tidal is much better in this respect. I’m not commenting on the sound quality as I haven’t really compared that yet. I’m just getting used to using the app and learning to use the two different streaming services. I really don’t care about MQA but Tidal is easier to use with the BluOs App.

Anyone have a similar experience and how does Quobuz and other services play with the Bluesound App?
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Why create a p/l on the phone or BluOS?
Made them in the stream app for all devices.

I only see the crap can on the bottom of the play queue page. All other OS's I use have a clear & play button.Optional queue building, not default.
OP, why not skip BluOS and utilize Tidal Connect from your phone direct to the Node 2i? You’ll be able to stay within the Tidal app which seems to be more intuitive compared to BluOS. Spotify Connect does the same.

Can’t comment on Amazon, but BluOS is good, but definitely not great.
Tidal is not what I was having the problem with.  Tidal works pretty good with the BluOs app.  Although I'll try using Tidal connect to see if that works even better.
My problem using  Amazon HD streaming with the Bluesound app on my phone. 
I was under the impression that the beauty of these streaming devices  was that they can be controlled with just your phone.  
It appears that some streaming services don't play well with the BluOs/Node 2i.  
Why should I go to my computer to create a play list when I could do it with the phone while I'm sitting there listening to music?  
Tidal allows me to do this.  Amazon HD apparently not.
I find the actual Amazon HD app very good for navigating and much better than navigating Amazon HD within the Bluesound app. The problem is if I go direct to the Node 2i in my audio system wirelessly from my iPhone or iPad with Airplay from the Amazon HD app the Hi Res FLAC songs max out at 48 kHz even if the song is 96 kHz or 192 kHz. If I want to pick up the full 96 kHz or 24/192 kHz which I always do I will I have to navigate Amazon through the Bluesound app.
It's not terrible working in the Bluesound app but it should be much better.