Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?

Hi All,

So I reached out to Simaudio as my amp (Simaudio Moon Titan HT200 5 channel) is getting a bit long in the tooth. It performs truly flawlessly and is just beautiful and barely even gets warm after running all day long. I was just more curious than anything about lifespan, etc. Simaudio replied right away. They said all the units they'd manufactured since 2001 are still "active". However they did recommend sending it to them (if I could be without it for a few weeks) for "cleaning and calibration".  

Couple of things, I can't even go 1 day without this unit. But beyond that just the thought of packing this thing up and shipping literally makes me cringe. I'd certainly pay extra if there was some way to avoid UPS/FedEx or any other means like that. Any recommendations and have any of you ever done something like this?

Would appreciate any advice. Thanks all in advance...
At that weight, you will want at least partially wood crates/boxes. The originals for my cj Premier 8a monoblocks (114# each) had a wooden bottom. Also, many shippers will only insure if they packed it. You might want to find the shipper first. Or driving is good.
The first response is exactly the method I would use except I would use a rubber foam. The minimum thickness completely surrounding the product is 1" or 25 mm. I have the same experiences and I do world wide shipping for about the same period. 
Millercarbon is spot on. You are just inviting a host of gremlins to come in and mess with you. 
Only you can decide if it’s worth it to you.   I have no experience with service from that specific company so can’t comment there. Maybe others can.   If they have a good track record servicing their older gear that would be a plus. 
Send an email to Simaudio asking them how and who they use to ship to their US dealers.

They are wonderful folks that build some kick ass gear. I am a owner and huge fan.