My conclusion: mid level $$ analog vs digital

Good morning

I purchased a mid level analog system 6 months ago 
     project classic
     Hana sl
     Musical Surroundings Phenomena II+I’ve compared the analog to my digital 
      Chord Qutest 
      24/192 & Streaming 

and ;

After listening to a bunch of albums and music.

A well recorded album with a well setup analog is tough to beat . The analog has a certain snap to the drums and bass that digital cannot match.  Extremely , quiet and smooth
 The mid level price point and the associated quality is surprising to me 
Do not get me wrong , digital is close , but good albums really can show a difference 

Ive listened, at homes with much better analog setups, and the difference seems to get better 

So, For you guys think to take the analog jump ?

Don’t worry 


like comfort food we enjoyed in our childhoods, we like what we like, it is part of our journey, our programming in taste...

good digital and good analog are different, good systems are tuned for the chosen source and show either at its best

either can be lovely

Thanks for response

ahh, A linn TT and Benz 
A nice combo , my preferred choice, but a tad $$ for starting , what are your other components phono, amp , speakers etc 

I’ve used Roon for Dsp and upsampling on the Qutest . I find upsampling to DSD rounds the sound profile and gives me a sound I’m looking for , with extra bass weight 

“There’s a fullness and naturalness to analog sound that is difficult to match with digital.”

This comment appeals to me. I’ve been debating on whether I should fork over some money towards a mid-priced TT to see what all the fuss is about. 

I just wonder why digital hasn’t been able to replicate this experience? Surface level question with answers that are probably way over my head. Still wonder, though.
@frozentundra Other components are an ancient Creek 4140 integrated amplifier with a MC phono input and Monitor Audio Silver 300 speakers. I just built up a digital front end. but when I work on my analog source once again I'll probably start with a phono pre-amp to allow a wider range of integrated amps that don't have a MC input.
those who are into hifi and music and haven’t tried one of analog or digital/streaming owe it to themselves to try the other and experience what the fuss is all about... it’s fun, educational and the experience is quite rewarding

caution here that going for a high degree of musicality in either is a slippery slope though... hahaha