My conclusion: mid level $$ analog vs digital

Good morning

I purchased a mid level analog system 6 months ago 
     project classic
     Hana sl
     Musical Surroundings Phenomena II+I’ve compared the analog to my digital 
      Chord Qutest 
      24/192 & Streaming 

and ;

After listening to a bunch of albums and music.

A well recorded album with a well setup analog is tough to beat . The analog has a certain snap to the drums and bass that digital cannot match.  Extremely , quiet and smooth
 The mid level price point and the associated quality is surprising to me 
Do not get me wrong , digital is close , but good albums really can show a difference 

Ive listened, at homes with much better analog setups, and the difference seems to get better 

So, For you guys think to take the analog jump ?

Don’t worry 



Showing 4 responses by frozentundra


Thanks for response

ahh, A linn TT and Benz 
A nice combo , my preferred choice, but a tad $$ for starting , what are your other components phono, amp , speakers etc 

I’ve used Roon for Dsp and upsampling on the Qutest . I find upsampling to DSD rounds the sound profile and gives me a sound I’m looking for , with extra bass weight 


What sound differences did you hear by adding SUT to your phono preamp ? 
I debated buying a Conrad JOHNSON phono pre that has both and internal SUT and a full gain side 

I bet that would be a hoot to listen to, but sadly they are.  It pricy for the SUT .  

Your experience, of big dollars, to achieve equality for analog was my fear . 
But, Surprisingly , with my hearing and my level of resolution that my system achieves .

I can feel very satisfied, at this level 
What digital & system did you have when you were picking turntables ?

I especially, enjoy older albums recorded using old school tape and few microphones 
The air and ambience is very nice and wide 
Sheffield labs does nice stuff, too



Thanks for link
1 hour long.      
Great listen 

I agree with intro turntable setups description 
They all sounded dull and lifeless to me , too

The knee for “ that vinyl magic” 
where you get the “ wow” moment is the big question ............

The tone audio guy said $10-20k , now days 

I had my wow moment on a setup, about 8 yrs ago
      acoustic solid Tt
      Triplaner arm
      Kisiki cart
      Esoteric phono 

So, I know what it sounds like 

But, The 3k in mine is , gosh darn , I get a good pile of the magic 
