What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?

I well remember in the ‘80s when we were amazed and thrilled by CD.
Wow, no more pops and clicks and all the physical benefits.
Seems so many abandoned vinyl.
But now, with so much convenience, available content and high SQ seems even dedicated vinylholics have again abandoned vinyl and embraced digital. However, there is clearly a new resurgence in analog.
But I look at, for example, whitecamaro’s “List of amplifiers...” thread and no one seems interested in analog!
To me, it seems strange when auditioning “$100Kish gear, that vinyl doesn’t enter the picture or conversation.
1200 vinyl albums!??... you lucky man.. since 80’s I collected only half of this plus last summer my old man gave me his life long LPs collection (about 200 albums) most of it in pretty dirty condition. When I have time I clean them album by album and spin them. Some r ok and some are really jewels. : ) I’ve got my LP of Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here also at Tower Records at NYC4th & Broadway in 1995 and the price was some where about $3..
Like others here I'm in my 60s and got hooked on music when I was under 10 years old. I've been putting systems together since I was 14. My last TT was a LINN LP12, so I was into it.  When CDs came out I jumped on board, but it was a rough ride, but the pursuit of a quality digital sound became one of the fun parts of this hobby for me. Being a tweak I always felt bad when my vinyl would develop a new tick, the whole rig seemed like it was wearing out all the time while I listened, records, stylus. Personal problem I know.
 I have no doubt that a vinyl rig would sound more musical compared to my digital rig, but I'm afraid to try as I would be on a 50K trip to buy all the right gear to play my vinyl. Streaming for me is all about the music. It has nothing to do with being lazy about getting up to service my TT. I'm not all about playing old stuff, I love learning about new musicians and exploring new sounds. I devour the music sections of Absolute Sound and Stereophile and get to listen to all the new music I want. I also listen to internet radio and get new songs and artists from there all the time.  I also feel good about contributing money to those artists through my streaming fees, even though its a very small amount it still supports the artists. Listening to old CDs and records, or buying used does nothing to support the artists. I have a dCS DAC/streamer and while certainly not the end of my digital equipment rainbow it meets my sound quality needs, doesn't make me feel like I'm wearing everything out as I listen, and it opens up the world of music to me. So another vote for digital 100%.
Yea surfmuz, super lucky. Had a big Pink Floyd phase...probably have 50 albums...some bootlegs...there's a term you don’t hear much anymore. The one I wish I’d kept was Music From The Body, (Waters and Geesin) Capitol, green and yellow label. Got the digital remaster...weak.
@chakster , It seems to me judging by the number of threads on room acoustics that a lot of people here on Agon use some form of acoustic management be it panels or something else.
Yea, “bootlegs“ is grey production albums isn’t it? Copied from non approved studio masters !? or concert records...
 The term could be used for “Bone Records” too.. you know what is Bone Records right?