New Yamaha integrated amps

Just a few days ago I checked the Yamaha site to see if they really were releasing a new S lineup. I read somewhere (maybe Reddit or here) that they were going to release updated S series integrated amps. Well, I checked again tonight, and voila! There they are---the new A-S1200, 2200 and 3200 (flagship). I'm in the process of looking for a new integrated and the 2100 was on my radar. I'd like to see what's different on these. I bet the older models will have some sweet deals. Has anyone seen or heard them yet! 
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I had the AS2100 and sold it, it is a great integrated, very good SS amp, I remember I enjoyed it very much.
The A-S2100 sounds like clear, flawless tubes. Huge weighty and defined images. Incredible details you’ve never heard before. It’s fun.