Is louder better?

Are there more details with higher volume?
Concert levels?   Holy crap!  No one has a house that big.  If I played a recording of even, say, a single trombone at 'concert level', or had a singer friend open up in my living room, I would soon be deaf.  Even orchestra players wear earplugs.  
jdane, I am a professional orchestral player, and I don’t wear ear plugs anymore.

A good attitude apparently helps, when it comes to hearing loss.

A German study of hearing loss in orchestra musicians found that if the musician had a negative feeling towards the repertoire being played, more often, than players who liked the repertoire more often, the negative emotion players suffered much greater levels of hearing loss than the positive feelings players.

I imagine it has much to do with stress hormones being produced when in a negative mood, which probably make the ear cells and cilia more brittle and less resilient to sudden transients like timpani blasts, but I am not sure of the details.

Cerwin Vega said it best in their 1973 and later ads, 'Loud is beautiful, if it is clean.'
Louder is always better?? Why else do I have line arrays in my living room?? 

When your spl meter says you are hitting jet engine spl levels without hurting your ears and you feel the sound, now you have a stereo!!!!
«Volume are like brain, it is not the bigger that give the best»- Groucho Marx 🤓