Looking for my "last" CD transport

Hello everyone,

as I am unhappy with my CD transport which is connected to my Linnenberg Satie DAC, I am looking for my "final" CD transport to replace it.

There is a limited market for new ones but I am also interested to get a vintage one if it makes sense.

Any ideas, suggestions?
Thanks for your help,
I would also recommend avoiding used transports.  The mechanical mechanisms in a few of the CD players I've owned have failed, one just weeks after the two year warranty expired, probably the part that is replaced most on CD players and transports.  I once had a five year old modest Yamaha CD player where the CD drive would not open and the repair shop was unable to locate a repair part, and if they had located one the cost on their parts sheet was prohibitive, so they recommended I ditch the idea of repairing it.
Just buy a new cheap DVD player and use its digital output jack into your DAC. Bits are bits - whether they come from a $100 DVD player or a $5000 boutique transport. I guarantee you will hear no difference!
A Cambridge CXUHD works well for the job in my system. 
If I could have any CD Transport installed in my system today it would be the AcousticPlan DriveMaster. Looks so cool with the exposed spinning disc. 
Yes I have realized that vintage transports might not be a good idea as parts are limited and repairs can get costly.
Thanks for bringing that up.
The AcousticPlan DriveMaster looks really cool - reminds me a bit on old the 47 Lab CD player