Analog upgrade path

The source I’ve been using with my integrated amp is a Technics SL-1500 mk1. Well, I’ve recently decided to step things up and have acquired an ARC linestage, which does not have an onboard phonostage. Now I’m beginning to think that pairing my Technics with my new linestage might not be a well balanced match, quality-wise.

What I’m wondering is, where will my money be best spent? Buying a nice phono stage (been looking at the Black Ice F159 or ARC PH5) and sticking it out with the Technics, or upgrading to a higher end ‘table (been looking at the VPI Scout Prime or maybe LSA T-3) and running it through a budget phonostage. Obviously the optimal solution would be both, but that’s not in my budget currently.

thx for the feedback

If your turntable is in good condition then I think you need a great cartridge and phono stage first, you can upgrade turntable later. 
I'll agree with chakster. Get that PH5, then a cartridge and down the line a suspended turntable. 
The integrated amp I have been using is an old Vector Research with onboard MM/MC stage. I’ve sourced an ARC LS25 mkii, as well as a Legacy power amp which is essentially a rebranded CODA Stage 3.3. Both of these pieces are sitting in their factory boxes until I can get together an appropriate front end to pair them with.

The Technics is in very good shape, although fitted with a very basic AT-3600l cart.
Start with a better cartridge. A Hana SL ($750) is a good choice! The phono stage in the Vector is perfectly capable of high quality sound from the Hana mc cartridge. In fact you can use tape out from the Vector into the LS25 II while deciding upon a new phono stage! 
If $750 for the Hana SL is too much, a Hana EL for $500 should be more affordable. I recommended the SL first because its Shibata stylus offers superior performance and longer wear than an elliptical stylus.