m5 hp cossover setting with vandy 3

what dip switches should be switched when  using rogue 180s .Imput impedence 200k with this crossover.
there is a wealth of setup help, advice, videos at Vandy owners forum at manufacturers website. way to go Tim in helping !!!!!!!
voltmeter checks that filter plus amp impedance yields desired low frequency rolloff. Richard covers it well in the video.

have fun, enjoy the music and the magic of Vandy powered bass.
(((If you have a volt meter and Vandertones, it wouldn't hurt to check for a proper match.)))Mr M thanks agree!Harbor Freight has their Big Red Centech Volt meter easy to read /use about 20 bucks. 1. hook the red probe into the Rogues Positive speaker post and the Black probe into the Negative post. 2. Set the Voltmeter to AC Milli Volts. 3 Play Vandertones track 27 adjust Pre amp volume control until it reads as close to 1 V AC. then play track 31.for 80 HZ you will want the meter to read .707. if your meter isn't right start all over again track 27 adjust 1V / then track 31 until you nail the right dip switch settings for .707 or as close as you can get. Best JohnnyR