Borrowing equipment from dealers

So pretty much invariably when someone asks “can someone help me decide between a or b” be it amps, speakers, cartridges, etc., someone posts the suggestion to find a good dealer that will lend you whatever to try free in your home. So I ask do these dealers exist? I’m sure they do, but how many are there really?  Also some stories of borrowing equipment that lead you to a new discovery.
If you get the right to return for full refund (u pay return shipping) (not store credit), then research, buy, try, keep or return.

A. Done your homework reading reviews/forums

Reviews are good only to create a short list.  If you can even trust them, they tell you little or nothing about how it will sound with your equipment in your room.

B. Been to a store or a show to hear/see the item in question

This tells you even less, same reasons above.  Plus, a good dealer will optimize the equipment choices to show off the component in its best light.  This is not a bad thing, but you can then spend a lot of time and money trying to recreate that sound in your room, and may never be able to achieve it.

C. Checked with a local Audiophile club's membership
for opinions/who owns one.

Again, opinions tell you nothing, unless the members are willing to lend you the item.

There is simply no substitute for some form of in home audition.

Thanks for all the replies. I am not looking for any gear at the moment that would require an audition. I was curious about others experiences, and also sort of felt like the response to go find a dealer to lend you equipment was mostly impractical and was a little lazy. Happy to hear some of you have dealers you like and work with you. 

It seems from reading the forums that it is somewhat pointless to ask about this speaker vs that speaker etc.  I am looking more for in general questions that tap into the experiences and knowledge on how you got to where you are now.  Just the variety of rooms people deal with, mine is a living room in a 1915 house with 3 doors and a stairway that comes down in on corner. And no one ever asks about the most important equipment---your ears, but that differs also.
I find my dealer sponsored in-home auditions to be invaluable. Every VAC piece I now own went through 1-2 home auditions each before I decided to buy. Of course I supplement this with "buy and try" via audiogon/etc - especially with phono cartridges, which are extremely hard to arrange audition.

How did I find this? I built a great relationship with my main local dealer over the years. I asked reasonable questions, didn’t tire-kick, didn’t constantly waste their time and then run out to buy the piece for cheaper online. And when they want a favor from me - e.g. to host one of my pieces a few days in the shop to demo, or have the occasional customer around to me place to demo - I happily oblige.

It works great - I eventually stopped building Frankenstein systems like some muddy "brand stew" comprised of audiogon hand-me-downs and "vAlUe oF tHe CeNtUrY" internet/factory-direct components, and started crafting a coherent synergistic high-end system tailored to my own preferences. The revolving door of gear has slowed to a crawl, hopefully soon to end for good!
Yes Muleving, being a good person is what makes a difference. Using your intelligence in a positive manner consistently usually works best.

Your system is so good now, I don't know what  you might consider an improvement, but you are enjoying the process, so carry on!


Tannoys are hard to beat!