retipping for Grado The Reference high output cartridge

Thinking about getting a retip done on my cartridge.  I know of someone in Brooklyn, NY and someone in West Hartford, CT and I believe Peter at SoundSmith might do this kind of work.  Any recommendations?
I didn't think Grado provided this type of service.  I'll check with them.  Thanks.
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FYI, Grado does not provide retip service, but rather a trade in offer.  That would cost me $1,000, so not what I'm looking to do.   Thanks anyway.
Steve at VAS is highly respected, shows lots of experience on his web site, and was very friendly when I have written and talked to him, and sensible advice when I was considering buying a MC that would need retip.
Andy at The Needle Clinic can do that for you much more quickly than Sound Smith.  I got my cartridge retipped from him and it took exactly a week from sending it to receiving it back.  I paid $200.00.