For all you Vinyl lovers!

Latitk, you’d better not ask Jonathan about digital format, watch his video and don’t expect he will support your “music lover” theory regardless of format, leave it for Digital Section on this forum. You are in Analog Section, don’t forget it.

OMA definitely not a typical high-end manufacturer, quite opposite to the mainstream high-end.
"the uploader has not made this available in your country" . Don’t understand the purpose of this s----.
On his website, he really endorses the Analysis Plus cables.  Have anyone tried those cables?  Are they any good?
I think the important point of the piece for me was what the designer was saying about the state of recorded music today, his product notwithstanding.  I agree with him, as I think most vinyl enthusiasts, that its become the norm to use music as an atmospheric filler, for background.  Whenever we have non audiophile guests over (yeah, it's been awhile), its dollars to donuts  it's nothing for them to yap, yap, yap when I put on a record, or stare at their phones while the music  plays.   They no longer can sit still and pay attention to anything longer than a few seconds.  Its casting pearls before swine.