Power Cables for Class D Amplifiers

Do Class D amplifiers that are very efficient, high power, (ie 600 watts at 8 ohms 1110 watts at 4 ohms) require the heavier lower gauge power cords (10, 9, 8 guage) that we see used on the heavy inefficient high power and high current amps? I ask because the stock power cable that came with my Class D amp was even thinner than the usual stock cord. It's something like a 14 gauge power cable! Is a 10 gauge or lower power cable needed in this ampliifier class as it would be in Class A or AB?
I definitely noticed a difference when I upgraded my power strip and power cords that feed my class D crown amp. I went from a crappy surge strip to a diy box with 10 awg wire, filtering caps and Hubble non ferrous outlets. That improved the sound. Then I built a 10 awg power cord for the amp and that improved the sound again. I do think the larger diameter wires allow the power to flow more easily, which would make sense since resistance is reduced as conductor diameter increases. With both upgrades I noticed less noise, more dynamics and more/smoother bass.
The only time I investigated this question was regarding my REL sub. REL said they did extensive testing and do not see a benefit in higher gauge or quality cables. I did my own A/B test and did not hear a difference. It may be that a subwoofer is too far outside your question to even bear upon it,  so I mention it in passing.
I changed from stocked PC to Anticables Reference 3.1 PC on my Class D mono blocks and there is a huge improvement in SQ. But I am not sure if that is due to AWG or the design of the cables. 
Call me a heretic but I recommend feeding amps with filtered, clean power via a decent conditioner rather than be too concerned with the power cord itself.