Tube Amp in Snowpiercer

Hi, this is more than a bit random but does anyone recognize the great looking tube amp that WIlford is using with his deck in Snowpiercer Season 2?  I never get a good enough look and my mind gravitates to questions like that with anything I watch.

Any other TV or movie sequences with interesting audio setups in the scene ?

@millercarbon - I simply said good looking - I mentioned nothing about what I thought the quality might be. I'm a computer engineer, my career depends on noticing details and asking questions - that's all. I judge other engineers in a professional setting by the level of their curiosity about what they encounter.

My father always built his own tube amps and they fascinate me. You can see how they are made and what makes them tick in a way I personally can't with digital.
And I am very aware of product placement after the project I work on was placed in the Ironman movies
Okay. Whatever. But this is Sean Bean. One does not simply buy his tube amp.
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