I like this quote:
" “Nothing can match the sound of the CD,” he had told the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. “It is absolutely noise and rumble-free. That never worked with tape … I have made a lot of record players and I know that the distortion with vinyl is much higher. I think people mainly hear what they want to hear.”
He certainly had a philosophy re audio.  Wonder what his belief was re if different cassette tapes sound different, something friends and I argued about incessantly when trading mixtapes.  BTW, they do!
There is an excellent documentary about the development and rise of the cassette format that features Lou.

"Cassette: A Documentary Mixtape" is HIGHLY recommended!

The full documentary has been on Hulu/Amazon Prime/Netflix.

R.I.P. Lou. Thanks for the tapes...
“I think people mainly hear what they want to hear.“

Now that’s a line that could be used a lot more on this Forum!
Lou came around just in time to rescue me from ever having to listen to 8-track. RIP.