Speaker Suggestions/Opinions

I’m in the market for some new speakers. Budget up to about 3k. I prefer to buy used. Currently running some Totem Rainmakers. Have also Run Totem Forest and Arros. I love the Totem sound clearly, but still curious what I’m missing out on.  
Most important to me is a lush midrange, musical, the ability to disappear, and they have to image very well. I run McIntosh for amplification so I’m comfortable with a speaker that may be a touch hot in the tweeter. I’m very drawn to Harbeths based on everything I’ve read but really don’t dig the look of those fat boxes.  And why for the love of god do they have 20 screws visible on the front baffle. It’s almost as if they trademarked the look, but it’s terrible. Proac, Spendor, and Sonus Faber are few others I also find intriguing. Especially Spendor but they don’t seem to have a large market in the US. I also find there line up a bit confusing, lots of options. I really don’t like to purchase anything that doesn’t have good resale value and a fairly high demand on the used market as well. Anyways look forward to all your thoughts. 
Another one that I can recommend from personal experience is the GoldenEar BRX. While I personally like the LS50 more and think it is a better overall speaker, the BRX has a beautiful, immediate, and addicting upper midrange/treble that some might fall in love with. The bass it produces is also different in energy and slam than the KEFs (passive radiators vs reflex).
Appreciate all the options mentioned.  I think of all the suggestions the Dynaudio special 40 may be the most appealing to me. Some of the speakers mentioned which I’m sure are potentially great I just won’t invest in do to the companies style of business. I truly hate when a company makes a line up where they simply increase the cabinet size and the woofer size or quantity as you go up the line. Generally they turn there whole line over every 3-5 years. I find it very difficult to believe these companies provide the most musically tuned speakers. The exception being when they actually take the time to develop a particular speaker such as the special 40 or the ls50.  It seems when they do this they often have smashing success. If they would only do it more.  Although I think the KEF is a great speaker it isn’t quite what I’m looking for. Maybe for lack of a better word a bit sterile to me. 
 I really wish Harbeth would attempt to make a “modern” speaker.  I would definitely be a buyer. The explanation that the screws were for on site repairs as studio monitors I find pretty amusing. I can only imagine how many Harbeths are actually in duty as mobile recording monitors. Too funny really.  Very ironic to me that the official “pipe and slipper speakers” need to have 20 exposed screws for on site repairs.  I suppose Harbeth tech support is some guy in mechanic outfit that shows up to your house with a giant tool truck. Anyways I’ll quit ranting.
 Ohm also is very intriguing to me but I’m not sure about the look. From what I’ve read I truly could love how they sound. Unfortunately my setup is in the living room and has to meet the wife’s as well as my taste.  I’ll have to check them out more and see if I can adjust to there different look.

Anyways thanks and keep them coming.  
There is an award-winning speaker designer and manufacturer in my hometown of Kingsport, Tennessee, that has been in business since 1958: WATKINS STEREO & LOUDSPEAKERS.  Their newest speaker, the Watkins Generation Four, received The Absolute Sound's "2017 Golden Ear Award" and their "2021, 2020, 2019,& 2018 Editors' Choice Awards".  From a review in The Absolute Sound:  

"Had I auditioned the Gen Four blind behind a curtain and had to judge its value in the hierarchy of high-end audio I would have been happy to recommend it even at a price tag of $7k. Its asking price at a fraction of that is partly due to the direct sales model—there is no dealer markup. It simply sounds like a much more expensive speaker. And I should add that the Gen Four felt comfortable in the company of far more expensive components in the price range of $15k and upward."

In addition, the Watkins WE-1 loudspeaker was chosen as editor's choice by Stereophile Magazine.  Owners of several U.S. patents on loudspeakers, Bill Watson designed the "Infinity-Watkins Dual Drive Woofers", renowned for their ability to reproduce low bass.   

They sell them Factory Direct for $2,495.00 a pair.
