Roon ready Music Streamer with I2S digital output?

I recently took delivery of the new PS Audio SACD Transport.  It has an I2S digital output that can be connected to PS Audio’s DirectStream DAC via a high quality HDMI cable. I am blown away by the sound quality afforded by transmitting the digital data through this interconnect. The details, subtleties and sound stage are the best I ever have heard from my system!   Truly a remarkable improvement.   
As a test, I used the XLR interconnects between the SACD player and DAC to compare and it is clear to me that it is the I2S that is making the difference.

So now I am hell bent on finding a Roon-ready music streamer with an I2S digital output with pins that conform to the PS Audio’s I2S protocol.  Has anyone found such a streamer?   It would be an added plus if the streamer had a screen that displays what music is playing.

As a side note, I would encourage anyone who has access to this PS Audio equipment to experience this for yourself.  I have had stereos since 1976 and have never had such an experience with upgrades to my system.

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated!

As a DS owner, I'm biding my time 'til the new PS Audio server comes out.  They are hyping their own software to compete with Roon, but the unit is said to be Roon-compatible for those who prefer it.
I believe Omega Mikro has a streamer with I²S connection.  They were onto I²S long before anyone had heard of it. 'course they've been onto a lot before others.
I decided to go with the Magna Ultra as a temporary hold over.  When the new PS Audio server is released I will see if it actually allows the use of Roon.  If so, I expect to trade up for it.  However if PSA intends to force use of their closed system, I will look further at the options you all have posted.  Thanks for sharing