Teac NT-505 on Closeout by Walmart

There was some discussion tonight on Audiogon about this streamer/DAC.

‘’Walmart is currently closing it out (in black) for $1,199.


As always, YMMV. 😎

I am curious to know does the Teac unit use its own streaming software? Does it integrate Tidal, Qobuz and Deezer high quality streams? Also wondering what Teac is coming out with next, if this 505 model is being discontinued.
I have two of these and think they are great.  TEAC does have its own app, plus you can use the Lumin or Esoteric apps.  There are other apps you can use also.  I prefer BubbleUpNp.  There are others.  It supports Tidal and Qobuz, but I don't know if it does Deezer.  
Thank you vinyl_rules for posting this and the link. Had been looking at the NT-505 about a year ago after seeing it listed on Roon's website as Roon Ready. At this price and with all the positive reviews, I pulled the trigger and ordered one. Looking forward to receiving my new toy in a few days.