802d3 powered with MC462?

Anybody have a pair of 802d3’s powered with a MC462?  Do you feel you are missing out on anything between the MC462 or a pair of 611’s?  
I’m looking to pick up a pair, just want to make sure my MC462 will power them adequately. 
Yeah, I wish I had the Sasha DAW’s. I don’t think I would let those go if I ever had those in my room. I’m surprised to hear that about the 802’s, maybe it was the open room you had them in?  My room will be a 18x22 enclosed room, so hopefully I will have better luck.  
What else are you considering to replace the 802’s with? 
@b_hol I'm also considering the Sonus Faber Amati Tradition & Il Cremonese, the Paradigm Persona 9H, and potentially Harbeth/Revel.