Amp and Preamp Full Tube or Hybrid?

Hi Agoners,

Planning my upgrade right now, please advise which way will give better sound. Speakers will be Franco Serblin Ktema.

Option 1: VAC Master Preamp + Accuphase A-250 Monoblocks 

Option 2: VAC Master Preamp + VAC 200 IQ Monoblocks.

Thanks for any advices!! 

Option 1. Those speakers need the full control in the bass that only a SS amp can provide. 
I auditioned Accuphase E-650 driving KERR K300 today and was was probably the best (suit my taste the most) system I ever heard in my life. I never heard any million bucks system before but I’ve heard several system costing several 100Ks and I don’t think I ever heard anything like that ever. Granted the source was from Kuzma XL DC making the source as the most expensive part of the system but what I heard was the sum of the parts and it was sublime. Today was the first time ever I am hugely impressed by a full SS system and I think I might become a convert.... now I am considering A-250 with Accuphase preamp too..... leaning on the edge here, very anxious to leave tube but what I heard today definitely is haunting me.