New Amp/Pre Amp for Paradigm Persona 9h Speakers

Looking to upgrade my amp and pre-amp for my main 2-channel set up.  I have a pair of Paradigm Persona 9h speakers.  Currently running the Anthem STR Pre Amp and STR Amplifier.  Planning to move the Anthem gear to my study that has a pair of Paradigm Persona Bookshelf speakers.  Have been researching the following options for the new electronics:
- Vinnie Rossi L2i-SE Integrated Amp
- Dan D’Agostino Progression Integrated Amp
- T+A PA 3100 HV Integrated Amp
- Vinnie Rossi L2 Signature Pre-Amp + L2 Signature Monoblocks

Other gear in my main 2-channel set up includes Innuos Zenith MKIII and Technics 1200G.  Looking for a pre-amp/amp or integrated on the warmer side.  Also open to buying a separate DAC (or consider a built-in option).

Would be interested in feedback on any of these options.  In addition, if someone with the Persona 9h speakers has another recommendation, would appreciate any suggestions.

Vinnie Rossi L2i-SE Integrated Amp : organic sound, a bit of roll off
in the high frequencies. Best if you change the stock tubes.
( According to an owner I know )

You may take a look at Soulution INT 330 : 120 watts 8 ohm , 240 watts 4 ohm, 480 watts 2 ohm Class A
Not bright. I am an owner. paired to Audiovector R6 Arreté.

Based on my demo of those speakers... I would be looking for smooth, organic, etc.  

Solid State or Hybrid - Pass, BAT, McIntosh

I might even consider tubes with those speakers, particularly given the active bass.
With those speakers you certainly have lots of options as they don’t require a ton of power, and you’ve already got some great options listed. The key, I think, is how to get you more warmth without going too far. Honestly the first thing that came to mind if I was in your situation would be a Raven Audio integrated amp as they seem to inject some tube goodness without sacrificing detail. On the solid state side I’d add Gryphon and Vitus as again their Class-A integrateds portray good tonal density but with refined treble detail. Just a few other ideas FWIW, and best of luck.

Oh, and as for a DAC, with a system at this level I’d absolutely go with a separate DAC, and one at the top of my list would be a Mojo Mystique V3 Evo although there are lots of great ones out these days. 
@mi4 I have demoed the 3F | 5F | 9H and do not own any of them. If I had bought any of those speakers I would pair it with the CODA #8 amp or CSiB integrated. I would get version 1 of either, which is 150 watts @ 8 and the first 18 watts in Class A. I have the CSiB version 1 and I use it as a headphone amp on a RAAL SR1a headphone. The RAAL is as bright as the BE drivers on the Persona. Not saying that is a bad thing. I love the RAAL and the CODA it is a perfect match.

The CODA #8 or 16 with their top end preamp would likely be pretty nice and appropriate combo with the 9H. 

Another integrated I bought for the RAAL (to be shipped soon) is the Krell K-300i. It is another warm sounding SS integrated. I bet it would also be great with the 9H. This integrated has something called iBias to deliver Class A power. There is a whole range of new Krell amps with this iBias tech. 

On some other A'gon 9H threads there are many posts with people posting about using tube amps with the 9H.