Bookcase diffuser/detractor?

Was thinking of putting 3 bookshelves with my records, CDs, movies, books, etc., in them on my backwall and use it for diffusion/diffraction.. anyone have anything similar, experience, or info if this would work? Is it better than just a bare wall? Read mixed reviews.
Anything uneven and with varying reflectivity is much better than bare walls. Add some tchotchkes, too. Everything helps.
Where do I clap from? Anywhere and just listen to reflections? If I hear them, then what? I was going to put all my records in the bookcases bc theyre overflowing, which would make it uniform... but your saying to mix and match media for better for diffraction/diffustion? Should I put other objects like pictures, etc in the bookcase?
I vary the spine depth on all the books on my shelves to provide some additional scattering.