Need a sut for Hana ml

I hava a Cary ph301 phono stage Mc has 60dB at 100 Ohms  it’s to much gain for cartridge,  I tried 1:10  into mm input  , gain much better but it produced 470 Ohms sounds more like my Hana sl,  the Hana  ML needs >100 Ohms ,what ratio sut should I use ,any advise would be appreciated ,thank you ,and happy holidays.
I think at this point we need to hear from the OP.
in my opinion, the Hana ML with its 0.4mV output and 7-ohm internal resistance is a typical LOMC. A solution that works for it would work for a wide variety of other LOMCs that produce between 0.25 and 0.5 mV output. But the solution has to fit also the Cary ph301 and the downstream components in his particular system.
60dB is certainly not too much gain for a 0.4mV cartridge. That nets an output of 0.4 V, which should certainly not be overloading anything within the phono stage or downstream of it. Something else must be going on if it seems too noisy. 

Any SUT 10x - 20x should work fine with MM mode, but as noted the Cary's MM input impedance is unusual - but in general, don't get too hung up on loading numbers with SUTs (unless you have an egregiously bad mismatch); small loading differences from a SUT are not as sonically tweaky as for active stages. 

Personally I'd try a SUT 15x or 16x. But since you say the MC mode sound is not good, I'd be suspect of the Cary altogether and maybe consider replacing it at once with a SUT and new MM stage.
Mulveling, Although it's a fine distinction, his phono stage should add 62db of gain, not 60db, with a 1:10 SUT into the  (42db) MM section OR direct into the (62db) MC section, either way. The resulting output would be fed to a linestage before going on to the amplifier and speakers.  So, a lot can depend upon the gain of the linestage, if any, the input sensitivity of the amplifier, and the efficiency of the speakers.  We know nothing about the latter 3 factors.

The OP wrote on 01/02: "It sounds much different at 100 ohms tone wise better , but noisy to much gain, so I think maybe 150 to 200 ohms will do. The Hana sl sounds good at 470 ohms the Hana ml sounds to stringent "
Of course, noise and too much gain ought to sound different, so I am not sure about the problem, but either way, "too much gain" doesn't make me think he needs a SUT wtih a higher turns ratio.  And I don't know why one would conclude that increasing the value of the phono load resistor (as per the quote) would help either problem.  Since his Cary evidently provides a 68K load at the MM inputs, the actual R seen by the cartridge through a 1:10 SUT should be 680 ohms, not 470 ohms.  Anyone could be forgiven for thinking the load would be 470 ohms, since the MM standard is for 47K ohms.
First, I like to thank everyone for their help on the situation ,a friend came over with a sut with 3 different settings I settled on 1:18 at 150 ohms , plus he is in the process making resistors for my 1:10 sut . I think I judge the cartridge to fast, it brand new ,Its starting to settle in , and sounding like some reviews stated , the Hana SLwas very good ,the ML very very good. Once again thanks for your time and thoughts on my situation.