Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris
Most of George's post is wrong. EPDR has no meaning really for ClassD.  As well, doubling power with half impedance has little meaning.  All that matters is distortion with low impedance loads.  Most amps that double in power start at comparatively low power at 8 ohms but are still "large" amplifiers. They have relatively low rail voltages. ClassD don't have the same design restrictions as linear amps. An amp that is 400 watts at 8/4/2 ohms has as much capability as an amp that is 100/200/400 watts at 8/4/2 ohms.  What matters is what is the limiting factor.

zappas OP

Some here have no idea, believe Stereophile’s tester JA and his measurements that I posted, he has more knowledge in his little toe, than most of the self proclaimed know all’s here.

Cheers George
I run a class D amp which doubles output from 8 to 4 ohms and is stable at 2 ohms. Also sounds fabulous ( Aavik U-300}. There are other good sounding class D which are stable at 2 ohms.
You can source second hand Aavik U-300s as it has been replaced by a new model. . It has a great DAC and adjustable phono stage. Would expect heavy heavy discounting too as list on Aaviks are frankly ridiculous
EPDR, what ever...

Some time back I asked for the opportunity (I also paid for it!) to test an amp that uses less idle power than my Pass X350.5.
~450 watt in my case, standby = 5 watt though!

So here came a pair of Mola Mola monos, claimed by someone experts - being the 'Rolls Roys' of class D amps. 

Well, so why not? 

Long story short, whether it was an EPDR issue or what else ever, they just didn't 'cut it'. 

Clean as a fiddle they'd sounded, they just could not match the authority of my class A / A/B Pass.
This into a 89dB, 4ohm, quoted Burmester 961, ~35 kg/speaker. 
8“ bass drivers, but by no means a current guzzling monster speakers. 

Anyone think I'd try some more Class D 'Rolls Roys'... not very likely as I feel at present. 

Just sharing for what it's worth... 😏 
Michélle 🇿🇦