I had asked once, but did not buy then,...so a headphone question..

What have you owned and liked in headphones under 200 dollars and under 100 dollars.  Thanks.  Have a good New Year's holiday. 

They are $220, but the Sennheiser drop 6xx are by far the best I've heard in that price range and better many headphones up to $500 or more.
Thanks Greg,  As in many things us humans buy, it may be best for me to stretch my budget. 

Have a good 2021
Another Sennheiser Mass Drop headphone is the 58X Jubilee and they can be had for under $200. Very good for the money.
Some don’t care for the Sennheiser sound.  Another Drop.com option is the Hifiman HE 5xx.  Amazing value for the money, they blow away my Grado SR125E.