For auld lang syne, ..high-end companies you really liked that are gone....

’tis that time of year. Another year nearly gone and a new one full of land mines ahead...etc. I thought I would ask, what companies are now gone that were a part of you audio history? Mine would be:

Nakamichi (when they were doing some high end stuff, N. Pass)
Sony....same thing, when they were doing some high end, esp. early CD players
Classe """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
California Audio Labs

And please add to this list. Now some of these I mentioned do exist, but are not now really two-channel/stereo "high-end"

Have a good and safe New Year holiday.

All the additional companies mentioned have merit and thank you for posting.

I am surprised that nobody had mentioned Montgomery Ward and their tube table top AM Clock Radios...  It is likely that some old timers on this site got their start that way.....including me. 
Yes from a Wards table radio to MG-20 etc. a long and worthwhile journey.