used speaker recommendations

I'm relatively new here.  Am in the process of upgrading a 2-channel stereo that is currently: Wharfedale Jade standmounters, Cambridge CXA-81, SVS sub, Bluesound Node2i streamer, Graham Slee phonostage, refurbished Dual 1228 with NOS Shure V15-III/Jico hyper-elliptical, various Pangea cables.
I like the "british sound" having around the house both Mission and Celestion speakers.  Nothing too bass-heavy or overly bright.  I think musical, rich, warm, detailed but not fatiguing.  Type of music I listen to: Argentine tango (Go-tan Project), Van Morrison, Sinatra, Ellington, Pink Martini, Chicago blues.  When in the mood I love the Rolling Stones. 

The room is small, 15x13.  I am currently building some tube traps and acoustic panels.  WAF necessitates standmounters.
Budget is $1500, tops.  New, I would probably stay with Wharfdale.  Lintons, perhaps, but the reviews of the Evo 4.2 are uniformly good.  My real question for this forum, though, is on the used market because I am unlikely to be able to audition most of what is offered for sale.  There are a number of interesting options in my price range just looking at Audiogon and USAudioMart.   For example: KEF LS50 and R3, ProAc Response 1sc, Spendor SP 2/2 and 3/5, Tannoy HDP/315/8, Revel Performa M.20.  Then there are the non-british brands that might fit the bill like Sonus Faber Concertino/Electa/Venere/Luito/Minima.  Yikes.  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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Verdantaudio -  A very perceptive question.  I have the Jade 1.  What sent me down this rabbit hole is muddieness in the 200-400 HZ range, mainly with piano jazz.  The issue is probably room acoustics, thus the acoustic panels and tube traps.  But it also got me thinking about speakers.  I like the Jade speakers very much (assuming the bass issue is the room, not the speakers).  The best I can say is that, as much as I like them, I suspect there is more to be had.  So, a simple low-risk solution would be to just find some Jade 3s.  I am chagrined to say I didn't think about that until I read your post. Thanks. 
How close are the speakers to the wall?  A little room from back and side walls could have a big impact.  Bigger driver on the Jade 3s might also help and those should be comfortably in your price range.
I originally had the speakers only about 6" from the front wall.  I moved them out so that the back of the speaker is now 14" from the wall.  Distance from the side walls is 40" to the tweeter.  Also turned down the gain on the sub (although the frequency cutoff is only set around 40hz). That all helped.  I have acoustic panels on order to put on the walls directly behind the speakers (wife approved!), and am making the tube traps for the corners nearest the speakers.  Guessing this will all go a long way toward taming any remaining muddiness.
Assuming I've got the acoustics in reasonable shape, that still leaves the question of speakers:  if I like the sound of the Jades then moving from 1s to 3s is perfectly reasonable.  But if I want more "warmth" then the small Spendors and eventually the Harbeths is the route.  I realize that I really need to hear these speakers so buying the 3/5s to audition them is an option.  Then I'd know which sound I prefer in my own room with my existing gear.  Worst case is I put the 3/5s back on the market and buy the Jade 3s.   Thanks for helping me think this through.
One funny thing, even if a speaker is not rear ported, often times they perform best when given more space from the rear wall.  Try giving them a little more room, like 24" to 36" and you may find that sound improves further. 

That much room may not be practical either in terms of your room or WAF but it will clarify the issue completely.  If that is the issue and you can't have them that far from the wall, then you can rule out Jade 3s  

Also, the Jades are a very warm speaker in my experience.  If you want more warmth, I am not sure that Harbeth or Spendor will be warmer.  You may find that an amp change is going to be more practical and/or effective.  
Ah, I was wondering.  I have old Harmon Kardon Signature Series solid state pre and power amps that I swapped out for the new Cambridge CXA -81.  I considered tube amps and hybrids, like a Rogue Sphinx, a Schiit set-up, or a Schiit pre and a Van Alstine power.  Heck, I even seriously thought about buying old Scott, Fischer or HK gear as I have an excellent guy in Chicago who reliably restores old gear.  Well, I kind of wimped out and took the safe route with the CXA-81 based on reviews.  Too many options.
I will move my Jade 1s further out today and see what happens. Thanks again.