I love sad music

I'm talking about music that when you're feeling down will make you feel worse. I don't want uplifting or inspirational. Some of Chopin's more melancholic works can do it for me.  I don't listen to country, but George Jones singing "It's a good day for the roses" is about as sad a song as you will find. Leonard Cohen's "Alexandra leaving" is another sad song. I have everything Davis and Coltrane recorded, so I'm looking for recommendations for the most beautiful but depressing music you've ever heard. I want to hear a violin, my favorite instrument, that will bring tears to your eyes. I know this is a strange request but some of the best music comes from dark places. Thanks
I was going mention Leonard Cohen. Good call. Much of Nick Cave's catalogue is melancholy as well. 
"Hurt" Johnny Cash
"I Can't make You Love Me" Bonnie Raitt
"River" Natalie Merchant
"Hey Mister, That's Me Up On The Jukebox" Linda Ronstadt
"Prisoner in Disguise" Linda Ronstadt
"Thorn Tree in the Garden" Derek & The Dominos
"Baby Can I Hold You" Tracy Chapman
"Living Years" Mike and The Mechanics
"What a Wonderful World" Louis Armstrong
"How Can You Mend A Broken Heart" The Bee Gees
very few music will beat this one for his redemptive sadness:

Djivan Gasparyan

I will not be sad in this world
