Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Hi Dave - yeah I was directing the question to you...we've spoke before re. Def4's and other system building/tweaking subjects about 9 months ago.

My admittedly neorotic concern is that when I bear-hug the Def's and set them on the spikes my aim is off and the spike comes in contact with the surround of the sub driver. Or, a too aggressive bump or shove (for positioning) causes the speaker to slide slightly on the spikes and punctures the sub surround. Perhaps I'm not remembering correctly how open (and vulnerable) the sub driver is or how much flat usable space is on the bottom plinth?


Oops..."neorotic" was a spell error and not a reference to new eroticism. ;-). Please replace with "neurotic"
No worries about either one. Even if the spike gets between the grates on the sub(coupling disc falls off), the spike is sufficiently wide that it is stopped on the aluminum plinth before it gets close to the driver.
Regarding stability, I have given them a good shove and they are very stable. It would take quite the push to knock them over. 150 lbs on a tripod is a stable platform.
I'm aiming to put one Symposium Acoustics Rollerblock Jr module at each corner of the two spkrs, and place them on Svelte Shelves. My Symposium Isis rack has been fantastic at isolating my main components, and I'm hoping I'll get a similar level of performance with my Zu Def 4 spkrs.
Thanks David...your explanation was helpful. I can't seem to find any images of the bottom of the Def 4's, but what I can see of the sub/plinth from the side it looks like there would be plenty of space in the corners for the 2 spike end, but that the single spike side would necessarily not be in a corner and have considerably less area...think circle circumscribing the inside of a square; the corners of the square have spare area, whereas the midpoint of the side would be touching the circle (very close anyway). Is this correct?