Thanks again for all the input. I have some tinnitus in my ears, and it is triggered by harsh sounds or a poor recording, and is muted when listening to nice hifi audio. The 60i's are maybe 8 or 10 hours into break in now and the tinnitus fires strong as soon as I enter the room. They are definitely more harsh in the mids than the Bowers. My wife noticed it too; when she first came into the room in which they were playing, she commented on distortion (she is not an audiophile, but noticed a degradation from the old speakers). Unfortunately, the advice from this group seems pretty mixed - plenty of indication that I will see real improvement over time, plenty of indications that first reactions are probably not going to change that much. Oh well, on with the journey...continue to break in, make a decision at some point.
To gosta, the 803's are an mid 90's speaker...not sure what they cost new, one post said $3000. I would expect $10K 2020 model from Dyn to be better, but that question is open.....
Thanks again - appreciate this community
To gosta, the 803's are an mid 90's speaker...not sure what they cost new, one post said $3000. I would expect $10K 2020 model from Dyn to be better, but that question is open.....
Thanks again - appreciate this community