Do my Dynaudio Evidence Temptations require more amp?

I have the Mcintosh 452 and was wondering if my speakers could be better served. Thanks in advance.
gryphon ,pass labs,asr emitter 2 exlusive and many more amps which can make your speakers sing:)
The old Dynaudio speakers like high current and huge power. And such amps are extremely expensive.... I'm now using a pair of JC1s because I can't find better amps at this price to drive the Temptations. 
I think Viola, Soulution, Vitus are all good choices if you have more budget.
No tubes pls.
I picked up a pair of JC 1s and a JC 2BP preamp. So far I would say it provides a touch more detail than the MC452. It's not night and day but i feel it digs a little more from the speakers.
I know it’s late, but I’ll weigh in anyway...

I drive my Temptations with a pair of Mac MC501s (500w each) and use a Mac C200 dual chassis pre. The Temps sound fantastic at any volume level, but in particular at low levels where a lot of speakers fall down. This combo has a huge volume range ‘sweet spot’. 
I’m also using a pair of Dynaudio subs to fill in the very lowest end, even though the Temps go pretty far down.