New Turntable Direction

It's been a long time since I sought the opinions of the community.  I have been a happy Linnie for 20+ years stopping after upgrades with the Ekos, Cirkus, Lingo, and suspension.  I still have my Shelter 90X.  A recent upgrade inquiry resulted in approximately 6K investment in my table and this just doesn't seem to make sense considering it's age.  I have considered investing the 6K in a new table and staring all over.  I have initially looked at Oracle, VPI, and Basis in part because they have been around for as long as I have been doing this.  For what it is worth my phono stage is still a Rhea.  So what do you think new table or another Linn upgrade and if new table what brand?  As always I appreciate your feedback.
Go to the Jean Nantais website and see if it might be a good fit. I've been with him 15 years and he changed the way I listen to music and what I hear.
I know it's been a minute since I've been here but the pandemic, retirement and now end of golf season has brought me back.  So first thanks for all your feedback so far.  I still have not done anything but mentally believe 6k for radikal, keel doesn't sit well.  Can't really move on the cartridge until TT decision because at the 2-4K range tone arm mass is important for proper matching and I don't want to limit my options later.  Basically I'll chill until I decide on TT of which I am still attracted to Oracle/Basis.  I gave the Sota Millenium a peek before I wrote this
After some homework I have limited my turntable/arm choices to those lines carried by my local dealers since I'll be able to audition them.  Accordingly that is stay with Linn and do upgrades, or Sota, VPI, EAT. and/or ClearAudio.  I'm am interested in the Sota vacuum option.  The arm hopefully will be a good match with Kiseki Purple or similar..............opinions appreciated but wish me luck!