JBL 4367 shoutiness remedies?

Hello all, I am a first time post-er, so pardon me if I am clumsy with this venue. 
I live in a small town on an island in SE Alaska, and do not have immediate access to anywhere locally that sells hifi equipment besides Walmart. So after reading complimentary reviews, I ordered from USA Tube Audio a pair of JBL 4367 speakers, ..a two way design  with a woofer and a horn. I have about 20 hours on the speakers, driving them with a Primare I35 Integrated Amplifier and a perceived higher end Primare CD player., and for an alternate music source, I use Music Choice from my cable box. I also have a 10 band graphic EQ to tailor the  sound to my liking. The issue I bought when I paid for the speakers is a  loudly blaring shoutiness in the range of frequencies of the human voice. It can be loud and overpowering even with EQ attenuating the frequencies between 500 and 4khz. I called the dealer who I bought them from for advice..he told me the amp and cd player are junk, ($6000 junk) and the only way to fix the shoutiness was to buy tube equipment.  On some recordings, the speakers sound wonderful, but on some, it makes me question whether or not they're worth keeping. The room in the apt I have them in is about 15x18 with low ceilings. Does anyone have any practical suggestions or ideas on how to remedy or at least partially correct this issue? Thank you for reading.
to all you 4367 experts.  I am thinking of getting a pair.  I am not going to be able to audition so it's a leap of faith.  I have Kef Blade 2 and also Klipsch Forte III.  I'm liking the Forte III with a First Watt J2 amp (30 watts) Not like the blades don't sound good but I'm growing tired of the sound and have been enjoying the life and snap of the Forte III.  I was thinking of a jump to the Cornwall IV or these 4367.  Seems like I might ultimately need a more powerful amp than the J2?  I'd say it's just barely enough with the Forte III.  Cornwall IV is much more efficient than the 4367.  I'd assume the 4367 is at a much higher level than the Cornwall IV.  
Don't sell the CW IV short. These are fantastic loudspeakers and if your only reference are the earlier versions, you will be quite impressed.


A lot of good advice already. Those asking about running with a low power tube amp I am currently running a Luxman MQ-88uSE 25 watt per channel to good effect. Not ear bleeding loud, but far better than you might suspect. I also run the speakers on Levinson mono blocks. Overall, the “you are there” attributes that many seek out in these speakers is probably best highlighted with the powerful mono blocks, however for a slightly different flavor, they are excellent match for tubes—Nice impedance curve with no severe dips and very good sensitivity. They still maintain a good degree of the “you are there” feeling. I have yet to try any other speakers with my tube amp so cannot make a direct comparison.

As for the “shoutiness” this is again somewhat of a horn attribute. However these are the least shouty horn speakers I’ve personally heard. Horns take a little adapting to and are not for everyone. Even the best of them.

I haven’t seen any specific measurements for this speaker, but as a general rule large cones can become more directional at the high end of their frequency spectrum. If you listen too far off axis the upper woofer frequencies drop off making the higher frequency horns sound relatively more pronounced and shouty. Correct toe in can help alleviate this. Seated ear height can affect this too. I find these speakers sound best if your ear height it’s toward the bottom edge of the horn +/-. Either lower seat or raise speakers. This puts you closer in alignment with the woofer axis. Set sitting height, then play with the tow in. Experiment with both one at a time.

I prefer a little closer distance on the speakers than some here... my current set up is 7’10” apart feet apart and seated 8’ from the face (not tweeter driver) of the speaker. I have them towed in so I can see maybe a 1 inch reveal of the inner sides of the speakers. Some of this is driven by my room constraints. But a starting point. You may want to buy some cheap plastic gliders to temporarily put under the feet of the speakers while you adjust. Maybe some under your seat too. And, if you’re anal like me, some clean gloves for handling the speakers. A laser measure device comes in handy for getting distances set. From a seated position hold laser measure against your ear and aim at the center of control panel.

I think second reflection point treatment is a good idea. 4 inches or thicker. I’ve never much liked 1st reflection point treatments..personal preference and room dependent. Some put large leafy artificial plants in front corners to help scatter sound. Oh yeah, ditch the analog equalizer. These speakers are highly, highly revealing and flaws in the upstream equipment or unnecessary components will be highlighted. Be patient, one move at a time and enjoy the music while experimenting.
... won’t let me edit my post. Yeah, I know.…Toe in not tow. VR. One exception for me on first reflections is floor bounce. Thick rug with thick pad. Also, if you’re seating has a headrest, is leather or both(not ideal, but who doesn’t like to recline back and listen?) put a sheep skin throw over it and Push your head/ears away with a firm small furry cushion. The head rest can have a similar effect as cupping your ears.  As an aside, there is also an interesting posting about these speakers paired with Luxman solid-state gear on audio science. 

 I've owned many JBL's, and yes the horn loaded speakers are "shouty". The 1400's I own now are an exception.

 Part of the problem is that JBL's are dynamic - little sound compression on transients, this can be tiring. Exhilarating but fatiguing.

 I don't have a solution, maybe class A or tubes. Your speakers are very efficient - you don't need a very powerful amp.