Sue Kraft

So, im not sure if any of you remember her, she was a reviewer in a few magazines over the years, her name even pops up in reference here on some equipment.

Sadly she passed away recently due to some health complications. She was the audiophile in the family, and as such much of her work flew over my, her nephew’s head, but i wish it all stuck more as I’ve been thrusted into this world.

It was her passing that brings me here, to inform anyone that may have had the pleasure of knowing her, and also, in trying to find a home for her home full of equipment. Admittedly I’ve been swamped by myriad of terminology, brands and devices quite foreign to me, as i only shared my aunt’s automotive passion. To this end, i appreciate all the help and information I’ve received from here already, and keep an eye out for some of her gear as well. Again, thank you. I’ve enjoyed seeing her work at every turn almost the past few days.
Sorry to learn of her passing! I remember her article on the DQ-10's in TAS, among others! They were a favorite of hers! Another perceptive and talented writer gone!
Very sorry to hear about Sue passing. My condolences to you and all of Sue's family. I knew her briefly through Audio Asylum in the past and always enjoyed her posts, her wit, and her knowledge. She had character and spunk, two attributes I've always cherished.
I am so sorry to hear about Sue’s passing.  I truly enjoyed reading her articles in TAS and her take on audio in the forums.  May she Rest In Peace. 
My condolences to you and all of Sue's family. 

Thank you for letting us know.