Audiophile circuit breakers ?

Anyone got those ? I just got 2 AHP Klangmodul IIIG circuit breakers, as a "finishing touch" to my 2 dedicated AC lines, but did not have a chance to try them yet.

I'm curious of your experience on this field.
At one time Rick at Virtual Dynamics sold cryo'ed breakers. Cryo'ed seemed to make a more relaxed presentation of the music. All the breakers, I believe were UL listed. I am not sure if they still sell them. Anyways, the difference in sound was from the cryo'ed treatment and not so much the breaker itself. Just guessing on the sound difference. Quick silver treatment also applied to the breaker and the bus bars also improves the sound. Be careful when working inside your breaker box.
I seriously find this silly. Now you stick a breaker in there but leave the main panel breaker in place. Does logic not enter into the equation here? Cryo'ed breakers here and cable cookers there so who is right? Lots of people looking for your money with spurious things as far as I am concerned.
Take a look at the Akiko Audio Cylindric Fuse Cartridge Silver.

"The Cylindric Fuse Cartridge Silver comes with two chambers: the phase unit holds the fuse, while the neutral unit contains a massive copper Neutral Link which is also silver plated for the least possible resistance."
Finding it silly, that’s what a true audiophile is. We seek the last bit of musical satisfaction by all means possible and the ones that you think will have no impact on sq does and all those crazy meaningless things that get categorized as snake oil add up and do indeed improve one,s system. 
Back in the 90,s early 2000,s I was getting all my cables and ic cryogenically treated when it was dismissed as snake oil only to be shown it does indeed make a difference now.

instead of Calling silly one should try it first.

Its all about execution , attention to detail and imagination that will take ur system from good to great and no matter what level your at even entry level in your equipment everything matters not just Uber level like some keep bla bla about.
Yes mahlman it is silly. But not for anything like the reasons you think. You may think you're being logical, but even with impeccable logic you can reach a false conclusion if your facts are all wrong. And your facts are all wrong.