Audio Note M3

Hello All,

I am thinking of getting an Audio Note M3 line stage .
I have a herron line stage ( version 3A )and herron phono ( version 2A ).I also have Audio Note SPx Alnico speakers that I purchased used , amazing speakers . I have the ideal room for them with 4 corners .
Two turntables a Lenco L75 with Nagaoka MP500 mm and VPI Aires III with Dynavector XXII mc .
I was thinking of connection my herron phone to the M3 , the M3 doesn't allow mc carts .

Has anyone connected a herron phono to the m3  ?

I'm careful about getting the M3  because it will get expensive quick if I can't connect my herron to it.
Should I get the M3 with phono and get SUT for my mc ?

I like the sound of my system but everyone says to get the full potential of my speakers I should upgrade preamps and/or amps.
Currently using Wavelength Triton Blue with WE300b , My favorite amp so far .

Any suggestions or comments are appreciated.

Thank you.

Nothing beats an all Audio Note system.  I heard an all Audio Note system at one of the hi fi shows and was simply blown away.  Everything sounded right, the rich textures in the music was sublime.  If I was starting all over, I would buy the best all Audio Note system I could afford and never look back.  
while i won't argue what stereo5 says i would say that many/most the top longstanding tubed gear brands make lovely sounding gear - cj, arc, vac...

many paths to sonic bliss