Anyone know who repairs or rebuilds woofers?

Hi to all...

I have a pair of (from approx.2000) Gershman Avant Garde RX20s, one with a blown woofer - does anyone know who could either repair, rebuild or construct a new woofer for me?

I have contacted Gershman Acoustics: due to the age of the speaker, they no longer have replacement woofers for this model. They do have midrange, tweeter and crossover... Woofers in the current Avant Garde are larger in diameter - which would mean recutting a larger hole and replacing the woofers in each of the speaker pair.

Did a read-thru of other forum entries about woofer repairs, and Millersound might be a possibility - I will follow up with them... But Any other suggestions would be appreciated...
Not sure what you mean by "blown"......the cone itself is torn?......the voice coil has welded itself to the pole piece? the surround has either rotted or separated from the frame? Bill Watkins of Watkins Stereo may be able to fix it or suggest an adequate replacement. 
Stick with Bill, at Millersound.     You’d be hard-pressed to find someone more knowledgeable, or capable, regarding the repair of your speakers.
If it's just reconing those services are fairly easy to find via a Google search.