Classic Integrated Question: Krell or Classe?

Quick Poll: Krell KAV-400xi or Classe CAP-150?

Which is better mated with Vandy 2CE Signature speakers and a Rotel RCD-991 CD player? 

Economically speaking, the Classe can be had for half the price of the Krell. If the Krell is better, it is worth twice the price of the Classe? 

Music tastes consists of pop, rock and electronic.
Thanks for your responses. Given the info here, and what I have read regarding these two pieces, I’m leaning towards the Classe for its described sweeter, more musical sound character. I did have a krell kav-300i once, but it was bright, harsh and bass was overbearing—in my system anyway. 
Question on xlr. Are all xlr connections louder than rca? 

i didn’t know you had owned a bad sounding krell before... now you know what they say about life and making the same mistake twice, right??? :)

on the q about xlr’s... it is a bit complicated... normally, with properly implemented balanced outputs and circuitty, the voltage swing will be double of a single ended one ...

...however ... many pieces and manufacturers will provide an xlr connection on their gear -- but only as a convenience... the circuitry is not balanced, and thus only one of the two hot pins are powered relative to the ground center pin... so you have in this case a single ended voltage swing carried in a balanced connector

so bottom line is it depends on the gear... hope this helps
Update: picked up a classe cap-150 and it sounded really good—when it worked. It kept cutting out on the r channel and after some research, found out this is a common problem with this particular model. Didn’t want to fool with it, so it was returned for a refund. 
Just recently picked up a creek destiny integrated and so far it sounds very nice. I prefer the preamp in passive mode as I feel it provides an even more open and wider sound. I sold my Rotel 991 and have an Arcam irdac on the way to use with both my iPhone (Amazon music) and to use with a Cambridge cxc transport for cd playback. 
The only other integrated I’m curious about is the Ayre ax7e. I’m curious how that would compare to the destiny? 
As for cabling, I’m using mogami speaker cable and interconnects via jerry at 10 audio. What are others using with this combo that compliment the destiny’s neutral sound and the Vandersteen’s well-mannered sound? 
Im a Classe fan!  I had a CA-150 and CA-200.  Great amps.  
The Ayre Ax-7e was one I was strongly considering lately but someone contacted me and offered me a Belles Aria for a fair price in the color I wanted, silver, so I went for it.  The pairing with my Schiit Gumby and Fritz Carrera BE’s is heavenly 😁

I had some 2ce’s mkii not sigs, so I’m slightly familiar with those... I think the Belles Aria would pair well.  The Ayre looks like a really nice one too so I’m not sure you can go wrong with either.  
With all this in mind, I do think I still preferred my Classe CA-200 and lightspeed attenuator best.