A real "wake up call" available to most....High End Audio vs. Mainstream......

Obviously you are familiar with AudiogoN and, likely, have a decent system.  I have known this, but a great visual on what most people use for sound reproduction is a Craigslist in you area.  If you have one or more market Craigslist available,  check out what is for sale for "sound reproduction" on those sites.   I thought I knew how bad it was, but it was beyond my imagination.  But I guess that is the way it is with many things Americans buy to make noise, drive or eat at.  Locally it is all under "electronics".  ebay is somewhat better, but still a great deal more items you would not want vs.  those you would. 

In music, electronics, cars and so much more....."the road less traveled" is the best path.  The poem is actually "the road not taken". 


Thanks to AudiogoN and its members for existing.  

" There is a reasonable explanation I believe. Keep in mind that the "average" citizen does not have the luxury of leisure time, nor enjoys the disposable income necessary to purchase multi-thousand dollar components. "
How can we have this discussion & this get remarked only once? People eat cat food a McDonalds because its cheap. The shop at Wally World because thats all they can afford & they drive crap cars & trucks because new vehicles are silly expensive.

Way more folks than we realize struggle to get the basics. Expensive hobbies are not in their playbook. We are the lucky few. Whether due to our own efforts or due to an accident of birth, we should appreciate that we have resources many folks do not.
"...the idea is to look at what is for sale in order to get a glimpse into what a mojority in your area are listening to....."

I think what is on sale is what people are NOT listening to (anymore).

@bobinw, You make a good point. At the other end, I have worked in homes worth many millions that had neither any quality audio gear or any room that would make a good location for it.  The more recent advent of the 'media room' means that some thought was given and some money was spent but almost always the focus is ground shaking movie sound tracks.  Would be great if this group suddenly found an interest in hi end gear, the industry would welcome the support.
In many, many cases it simply comes down to priorities. I have friends that without saying it I can tell don’t understand why I spend what I do on my audio system (implying a wonder of how someone has the money to do what I do). Meanwhile, they literally have thousands of dollars monthly sunk into expensive pickup trucks and Audis that these days barely leave the garage, $2k drones that collect dust and a walk-in safe of handguns and rifles. I literally listen to music every day. For me, I feel that it is money much better spent than sinking $3,000 on a used titanium mountain bike when I have a great road bike that I ride pretty often, but certainly not every day. It often all comes down to what hooks us in life and redirects our focus due to the pleasure we experience or at least think we get from it. How much is truly self determination versus marketing manipulation is a whole different philosophical discussion that would churn endlessly:). Happy listening!
I view this a little differently. IMHO, most people listen to music as a backdrop to whatever they are doing. They like it, however it is really just background noise. If that is the case, any old music reproduction equipment will do. 
To audiophiles, music is much more than that. For me personally, music is IS an activity. Sure, I listen to music as a backdrop sometimes. But when I am really listening to music, I do just that. It becomes a visceral, emotional experience that just isn’t the same as listening to a single Sonos speaker or a Walmart boom box. 
If you just use your tools for small home improvement,a Ryobi saw is fine. But if you’re a craftsman and take pride in your work, you use a Festool saw.