Aegir upgrade to Pass...maybe

I have had a Schiit Aegir for about a year now. I drive quite efficient Crites loudspeakers. I am thinking of getting an amp with a little more power. The following are my leanings.
Pass LabsXA25
Pass Labs XA30.8
Benchmark AHB2
I think the XA25 will be a good choice but wondered about the XA30.8. Somewhere I read that the XA25 actually sounds better than the 30.8. The 30.8 is monstrous at 94 lbs.

Also, I see high ratings for Benchmark. Does this sound like Class A, A/B or D? The reviews say really detailed and accurate but it is definitely different than the Schiit or Pass Amps. Plenty of power for my system for sure.

Thanks for your opinions and suggestions in advance.
I ordered a Pass Labs XA25 from Reno HiFi.  I got an open box item at a very good price.  Shipped same day!  I will get it Friday.  I was instructed to leave it on 5 days to break it in.  This should be a great match and upgrade!

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I received my XA 25 last Friday.  It is twice as big and twice as heavy as the Aegir. The amp came in a large single box surrounded by expanded foam.  The amp is heavy at 45 lbs vs 22 for the Aegir.  The XA25 is rated at 25W but will put out 80W if needed.  The Aegir is rated at 20W and will put out 28W if needed(per Stereophile bench test.  I have subs so the main amp is driving my Crites Cornscala from 100 Hz on up. 

As the XA25 warmed up I would say it never gets above 120F.  The Aegir also runs warm.  The XA25 will pull 240W just sitting there without music.  The Aegir has a standby switch and a light that stays on.  The Pass powers on immediately without a relay clicking.  It is fused and I don't believe the Aegir has a fuse. 

I am using ribbon speaker cables with spades on each end.  The speaker connections for the Aegir were good and could not be over tightened.  The XA25 has Furatech connectors which I was able to insert the spades through the bottom.  It holds the cables quite securely. 

I started listening  I immediately noticed better vocals.  They just sounded smooth.  This and the percussion instruments simply sound right.  Brushed cymbals, background percussion played softly are easily audible and very easy to listen to.  Midrange in general is improved.  I found myself listening for longer times without fatigue.  I must admit it is quite easy to play at loud volumes with my speakers.  I was told they are "around 100 dB efficient".  If I turned up the Aegir too loud it would go to protection.  Try as I might I don't think I could even get the Pass to sound stressed.  I had to cry uncle and turn it down.  My typical listening levels are 85-95 dB.  

I believe the soundstage is equal to the Aegir but even more fine detail.  Bear in mind the Aegir was good at this as well.  If listening to electronic music sounds can start at one channel and go all the way across the sound stage without gaps.  I listened to every kind of music I could think of and some good and badly produced albums.  With each amp it is easy to find mistakes in production but the XA25 kind of smoothed things over.  

So in conclusion, the Aegir is a fine amp.  The XA25 lists for 6X as much.  Is it 6X better?  We all know that doesn't equate, but it is worth the money.  The Crites speakers may seem forward to some with a slightly hot tweeter.  The XA25 is a perfect match.   

PS.  Forgive me since review writing is not my profession.  


synergy is indeed the magic fairy dust for all good hifi systems...

happy you found it