Help with TT ideas for my first TT

Hi All,

I have been reading alot of reviews and searching around for my first TT.  ALot of recent recordings that i want are basically only coming out on vinyl or super crappy mp3.  I have an Aaron integrated amp, with some custom built SB Acoustic Monitors (Bromo).

I am looking at the marketplace in the 1 - 1.5k range and see I can find alot of different solutions and wanted to get peoples thoughts:

Marantz tt-15 - Seems like  bargain at 1500, but difficult to setup
Clearaudio Concept - good reviews, bumps against the magnetic arm (Cement floor at my place)
Music Hall MMF 7.3 - Seems like a great solution
VPI Cliff Wood
Pro-ject X1 or X2 - Have read some reports of motor noise
Rega Planar 2 or 3 - Seems to be they are what they are

With such a crowded field how do people choose?  I live in Central Mass, and dont have alot of options in terms of auditions so would love to get peoples thoughts. 
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I've owned a MMF 7.1, the Concept, and a Clearaudio Emotion (very similar to the TT-15).

The Concept was a really nice table but super sensitive to footfalls.  Didn't work with the springy floors in my house.   Shouldn't be a problem with cement floors.

Not sure what makes you think the TT15 is hard to set up? My Emotion was easy enough to set up. A little fussy in terms of keeping the motor in place, belts  coming off, and grounding. The Virtuoso is really good, but not as good as a similarly priced cartridge like a Hana SL. And it's really easy to break of the cantilever. 

The MMF 7.1 is solid, not fussy, well isolated, and can sound really nice with a good cartridge. That would be my recommendation of the ones I have experience with. 

I would also recommend the Mofi deck. I've spent some time listening to one and found it very engaging and it didn't seem to be fussy in any way. 
You do have options. Fidelis in Nasuha, NH & Goodwins in
Waltham. Doesn't get much better that them two. 
Kro 77, Hey I'm up in southern NH!
Anyway, you might want to look at the MoFi Studiodeck. I have a friend in the business who thinks that is the best low priced TT. I have not used any of these turntables so I have no direct opinion. Certainly if you are just getting started I would not spend anything more than you are. It would be a pity to spend $5K on a table to find out you don't like it. I would say once you get to 100 records you might consider moving up.  
Technic's 1200GR with vintage Nos cart and your good to go. Such an easy table to set up and the arm is quite decent. It will last forever too!