Your pick of CD player....

To replace my nice sounding Jolida JD100. With all the well deserved accolades about the JD..I do feel it outperformes many players at the 2K price point and some higher priced players.. I know many of you have upgraded to the AA Prima 24/96 MkII and its a definate improvement. I would concider this and also the Canary 100, Cary 308T(which I owned a few years ago...but couldn't appreciate on my then lousy system)
and perhaps the 303/200 at its used price is worth concidering.

I also think about the older Wadia 21,16 or 6 as they were excellent players in thier time...but perhaps are outperformed by the likes of the players Ive mentioned above...I need some thoughts.....price point is up to ~ 1500-1700 used....Thanks.
naim cdx. excellent quality, very musical found on audiogon for 1500 or so. will blow jolida away!
Buy a used Resolution Audio CD 50 or CD 55 for around
Great value at around $1000