Omega 8xrs or spatial m5 need thoughts on integrated amps

I know these are vastly different speakers. I have omega 3xrs and love the sound but also heard the spatials and love them. I moved and now have the speakers in a 13wx15l listening area but the room is an open Concept so it’s 13x33 but there is another space that is 12x13 behind  and to the left of the Listening area. Thoughts on power and integrated I should consider ? My budget is $2500. Also ideas on speaker size? I had the ls50ws in the room and they were horrible. I now have a nait 2 powering the omega 3xrs and the mids and highs sound wonderful but base is thin. Not much foundation.

your thoughts are appreciated.
the omega low end blossoms w tube amplification and very little dampening. with the ss amps i've heard them with, they sounded lean. both aforementioned speakers should provide tuneful bass but not chest thumping. the spatial will require more watts to come alive. both speakers sound great with LTA if you can find one used. i use a 45 set amp with my 3xrs HO and get good low end for such small drivers. i don't listen very loud. 
Thankyou both for your comments. Jmolsberg who manufactures your 45 set amp? I know LTA is used a lot with Spatials , I’d love to find one used. Any other suggestions?