How to improve on the 2 ch in my 5.1 set up?

I need help to enhance my 2 channel audio performance. Currently my set up is as follows;

Front: Jm Lab 1028 Be
Center: CC1008be
Rear: Emotiva ERC-1
Source: PS3
Pro: Anthem D2V
Amp: Anthem A2+A5
Sub: will be upgrading to Sunfire HRS 10 or two HRS 8.

I was thinking of getting a Mcintosh C2200 or C2300 tube preamp and either Oppo 95 or Esoteric X-05 for music. Both C2200 & C2300 have the HT bypass as I do not have extra space for separate 2 channel set up.

Please give advices especially from those with similar set up and managed to have a decent 2 channel audio performance.
I think the problem is with your source. You should be looking at a much, much better CD player - up in the $2-3k range at least.
I would buy the Oppo 95 and use it's analog outs into a 2 channel preamp with a processor bypass. Maybe something like a Parasound JC2. That should give you a dramatic improvement.
CJ preamps also have theater bypass. The ACT 2 is very linear, less golden than Mcintosh as i understand. The newer generation ET5, ET3 are apparently close to the new flagship GAT which i have heard recently (and am blown away at how good it is.) Equally linear, but with just that touch of ultra natural tonality that is magical.

Agree that much comes with improving source...but your goal seems to be to upgrade both...preamps also make a big difference. have heard X-01SE...extremely good...quite linear, disciplined. a possibly good match with tube pre.
Thanks everyone for the advices!! I agree that the source is the issue here and would also like to know if the emphasis be on the preamp or cdp in order for me to allocate my budget? Also will a decent tube CD player alone like Cary 303/300 alone do the trick?